Bellingham Waterfront Redevelopment

Bellingham, Washington


Photo credit: Mihael Blikshteyn Photography

Prime Consulting, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Waterfront Engineering

Natural Environments, Ports & Waterfront, Roadway

City of Bellingham

Bellingham Waterfront Redevelopment Bellingham Waterfront Redevelopment

KPFF provided prime and civil engineering for this $10M federally-funded roadway and utility infrastructure improvements of a former paper mill site next to Puget Sound. The project included a cycle track, pedestrian amenities, BNSF utility crossing, construction staging, contaminated soils, LID storm facilities, new sewer, water, and raw water, structures, signal, illumination, and landscaping. Sustainability measures included reuse of suitable on-site soil and crushed concrete as roadway fill, enhanced water quality treatment via rain gardens with a dedicated outfall to Bellingham Bay, and warm-mix asphalt. The park will be irrigated with reclaimed water from the city’s wastewater treatment plant.

Additional Services Provided:

  • Permitting Support
  • Environmental Restoration