New York City, New York
Photo credit: Shadi Boulos
Photo credit: Shadi Boulos
Photo credit: Shadi Boulos
Protective Design, Structural Engineering
Cass Gilbert
KPFF provided structural engineering services for this historic building. KPFF prepared a seismic hazard evaluation report, progressive collapse prevention, and blast vulnerability assessment. In addition, KPFF identified structural and non-structural deficiencies, evaluated their significance and prioritized their importance with respect to the integrity of the structure, recommended methods to remediation these deficiencies, and developed cost estimates to complete this work. The subject building was constructed circa 1907 and is 7-stories above grade plus two below grade. KPFF performed a three-dimensional site-specific Seismic analysis to determine structural deficiencies. The same three-dimensional model was used to perform progressive collapse analysis scenarios and determine the structural strengthening required to prevent building collapse after being subjected to an extreme blast event.