Los Angeles World Airports Intermodal Transportation Facility West (LAWA ITFW) at Los Angeles International Airport

Los Angeles, California


Photo credit: Swinerton Builders

Photo credit: Swinerton Builders

Photo credit: Swinerton Builders

Civil Engineering, Protective Design

Parking, Roadway, Transportation/Transit

Los Angeles World Airports

Watry Design inc.

Swinerton Builders

OMB Engineers (Electrical/IT)
Pocock Design Solutions (Mechanical/Plumbing)
Lynn Capouya Inc. (Landscape Architect)




Parking Stalls on 4 Levels


Linear Feet of 4' x 7' Concrete Detention Vaults


CF Volume Stormwater Detention Capacity
Los Angeles World Airports Intermodal Transportation Facility West (LAWA ITFW) at Los Angeles International Airport Los Angeles World Airports Intermodal Transportation Facility West (LAWA ITFW) at Los Angeles International Airport

The ITF-West, located between Westchester Parkway and 96th Street, is a five-level parking structure containing approximately 4,700 parking spaces, a dedicated concessions area, and the LAX Security and Badging Office. The ITF-West also includes a pick-up and drop-off curb for both commercial and private vehicles and will be served by new roadways providing direct access to the facility. The ITF-West station, located adjacent to the parking structure, provides a direct connection with the terminals via the Automated People Mover (APM) system, vastly improving the guest experience. The ITF-West provides much needed parking capacity to serve LAX travelers. A shuttle will temporarily transport guests to and from the ITF-West until the APM is operational in 2023.  LAWA had 8,300 parking spaces in the seven terminal loop structures. With the addition of 4,700 spaces at the ITF-West, travelers see a 57% increase in parking space options.

The ITF-West also includes construction of new pedestrian walkways and plazas that integrate the facility with the surrounding area. Two new roadways were built to the west and north of the ITF-West to improve vehicle flow. The ground floor of the facility is the new 25,000 square foot home for the LAX Security and Badging Office, which currently is located on World Way West on the west side of the airport. Over 55,000 badged LAX employees can access the office via public transit. Level two of the ITF-West features pedestrian walkways that connect the parking structure with an APM station.

The second level includes 5,000 square feet of dedicated concession shell space, as well as other passenger amenities. Concessions are selected through a competitive procurement process. The architecture of the building is complementary to the APM mid-century modern design. The building also allows flexibility of future uses or expansion.

The LAMP project features the APM, ITF-West, Consolidated Rent-a-Car (ConRAC) facility and associated roadway improvements. The APM will reduce vehicle congestion in the terminal loop, provide a connection with L.A. Metro’s regional transportation system, create new and convenient locations for passenger pick-up and drop-off outside of the terminal loop, reduce emissions and provide reliable access to the terminals.

Additional Services Provided:

  • Site Development
  • Utility Infrastructure
  • Low Impact Development
  • Stormwater Management
  • Parking Design
  • Blast Engineering
  • Perimeter Security
  • Progressive Collapse
  • Threat & Vulnerability Assessment